Together with the students Integrated Research Training Group of the SFB1552, we organized a Research Data Management workshop for the students of the GRK2516. The meeting took plance on the C04-C05 lecture halls of the Schulz-Horner Building, JGU campus, on August 27–28th 2024. Johannes Berg, the data steward of the SFB1552, covered all topics concerning:
- FAIR principles
- Documentation, organisation, storage, backup, archiving, and publication of research data
- Electronic lab notebooks
- Basics and Development of a RDM plan
RDM Workshop 2024
Congratulations Dr. Sourpis
Many congratulations to (affiliated) GRK student and former student spokesperson Tasos Sourpis for successfully defending his PhD thesis. Bravo, Dr. Sourpis!
Congratulations Dr. Stach
Many congratulations to GRK student and former student spokesperson Oliver Stach for successfully defending his PhD thesis. Bravo, Dr. Stach!
12th Liquid Matter Conference
The 12th Liquid Matter Conference will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, 22-27 September 2024, organised by Hans-Jürgen Butt, Burkhard Dünweg, Kurt Kremer, Friederike Schmid, Thomas Speck, Peter Virnau and Doris Vollmer. The aim of the conference is to bring together scientists working on the liquid state of matter. This rapidly growing field includes the physics, chemistry, biology, and chemical engineering of liquid matter as well as various applied research areas in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.
#MindsOfMainz Podcast with Yuqing Wang
In the "Minds of Mainz – der Gutenberg-Talk" Podcast series of the JGU Mainz one the student speakers Yuqing Wang gives insights into the graduate education and research focus of our RTG 2516, and the close exchange between theoretical and experimental research groups in chemistry and physics at the Universities of Mainz, Darmstadt and Stuttgart, together with the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Check it out here.
Arash Nikoubashman joins TU Dresden and Leibniz IPF as Heisenberg Professor
Arash Nikoubashman has moved to the Technische Universität Dresden and the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF) as Heisenberg Professor on "Theory of Biologically Inspired Polymers" (read more), and remains affiliated to our GRK as associate PI.
Congratulations Arash, and many thanks for your continued enthusiasm and commitment to our graduate training group!
GRK Students Mini-Symposium, 28th Nov. 2023
The student members of the GRK will present research updates and focus on their tandem partnerships. The presentations are limited to the GRK PhD students, while all associate students and PIs are invited and expected to participate.
The students will present as pairs, highlighting their research in a single presentation. There will be 15 minutes for the presentations, followed by 15 minutes for discussions.
Date: Tuesday Nov. 28th
Time: 14–18 hs. (we’ll end with a pot luck party)
Place: Newton Room 01-122, Building 2413, Staudingerweg 9.
Format: hybrid
14:00 – Research Area A: Phillip + Bhuwan
14:30 – Research Area B: Gokul + Oliver + Leila (20 + 20 minutes)
15:10 – Coffee Break
15:30 – Research Area C: Melis + Yashraj
16:00 – Research Area D: Jude + Torsten
16:30 – Refreshments
Molecular Nanotour Symposium, Mainz 13 Sept. 2023
Maximilian Hielscher, Oliver Stach and the GRK2516 students in Mainz, together with Annemarie Doze, Ilayda Peduk, Alexandra Matei, Max Fellert and Rosa Marquez Garcia from the group of Prof. Ben Feringa in Groningen, organise and host the Molecular Nanotour Symposium 2023. The Symposium takes place in the Schulz-Horner Building of the JGU Mainz campus on September 13th.
For more information about the Molecular Nanotour and details on the Symposium, please visit the website: A scientific program can be found here.
Maastricht – Mainz Mini Symposium 2023, June 1st
The students of the GRK 2516 host a joint Maastricht – Mainz Symposium on 'Interfacing Biomaterials: from Dynamic Materials to Bioprinting', to be held in the Staudinger lecture room of the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Please register to the event using the following registration form (deadline is May 26th).
Date: June 1st, 2023
Time: 13:00 – 17:30
Place: Staudinger Lecture Hall, MPI-P, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz
There will be a barbecue at the end of the day. All registered participants are invited.
Mainz awarded the SFB1552, led by Prof. Seiffert and colleagues of the GRK
We are proud to announce that the DFG approved funding for the Collaborative Research Center SFB1552 "Defects and Defect Engineering in Soft Matter", led by Professor Sebastian Seiffert, together with PIs of the GRK2516 Prof. Dr. Kurt Kremer, Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Amann-Winkel and Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid from the Institute for Physics JGU, Prof. Dr. Andreas Walther and Prof. Dr. Pol Besenius from the Department of Chemistry JGU.
You can read the press announcement here (page in German).