The recently approved Research Training Group GRK2516 “Control of Structure Formation in Soft Matter at and through Interfaces” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft invites applications for
9 funded PhD positions (incl. benefits)
We offer structured, interdisciplinary training in the field of Soft Matter Physics and Chemistry in an inspiring and research-driven environment. The Training Group is led by principal investigators from the Universities Mainz and Darmstadt, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research Mainz (Rhine-Main metropolitan region, Germany). Research and training follow the concept of tightly integrating experiment and synthesis with theoretical modeling in four research areas (one experimental and one theoretical position each):
- A: Nanoparticles in polymer brushes
- B: Supramolecular self-assembly
- C: Aggregation of supraparticles
- D: Microgels
as well as X: X-ray scattering of soft matter (only experimental). Start of the program is July 1, 2020.
Applicants must
- hold a master’s degree, or approach its completion, in physics or chemistry (or a closely related discipline)
- have outstanding grades
- have excellent written and spoken English skills
How to apply
Please submit your application (letter of motivation, CV, academic credentials) as a single PDF to before February 5, 2020. Please indicate research area and whether you seek a theoretical or experimental PhD.